Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I really love cleaning, not because its fun, but for me it is the only time my mind stops racing and thinking about the day to day things I think about. I love re-organizing things and just puttering around finding things to clean. As a Bzz Agent I frequently get free products, however this time they really went overboard. I am so excited for my Spring Cleaning buzz kit. More to come...

BzzKit includes
* 1 Glade spring collection Jar candle
* 1 Glade Lasting Impressions Oil refill
* 1 Pledge Lemon Clean Can
* 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet gel
* 1 Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer

From Bzz Agent...

What better way to celebrate the excitement of springtime than with decorative designs and seasonal fragrances available exclusively during our favorite season? Release the magic™ of spring throughout your home with the limited edition Glade® Spring Collection:

* Includes three seasonal fragrances to help welcome spring into your home
* Sparkle of Spring™, featuring zesty lime, ginger and vanilla
* Bring on the Blossoms™, featuring a medley of jasmine, rose, peony and sandalwood
* Jump for Joy™, featuring orange oil, apple, pineapple, mango and black currant (found exclusively at Walmart)
* Available in a variety of forms, perfect for helping any room in your home blossom beautifully
* Glade® 4-oz. Jar Candles burn up to 22 hours so you can enjoy fantastic fragrances at a great value!
* Glade® Scented Oil Candles in refillable decorative glass holders to quickly fill the room with fragrance
* Glade® Premium Room Sprays instantly fragrance the air with a gentle, quiet mist
* Glade® PlugIns® Scented Oil offering continuous, long-lasting scented oil fragrances

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Anyone that has children or babysits for children know that there is nothing better for a child then hearing the words, "Do you want some ice cream?" Something magical happens. There eyes light up, they smile ear to ear and they run over and hug you. Even as an adult , I still love ice cream but, what I don't like is the calories it has and the weight I can gain from it. I swear if I eat ice cream more than twice in a month I instantly gain 5lbs. Sp, yes I love ice cream and as you know I love NEW products.

Splitz is a new kind of treat which combines the benefits of yogurt with the taste of ice cream. In order to get the full ice cream effect you have to freeze it. Splitz are awesome!!!!!!! They taste just like ice cream and best of all you do not feel guilty after eating it. The kids love them and ask for them over real ice cream. I highly recommend Splitz Yogurt.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

NEW Soda Stream

It was the Monday right before Christmas and my brother and I went shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond. As I walked by the section with all the Soda Streams I saw a woman mixing a huge jug of water with ice. As it turns out the woman was there demonstrating the soda machine. I was so excited to finally try it as I had walked by so many times glancing at it asking myself if it really tasted like soda. She wasn't quite ready so I decided to shops around and then come back. When I went back she started the demo. First she filled this 1 liter bottle with the half ice and half water concoction up to a line and then she screwed it into the upright machine. She told me its important that we screw it very tightly so the gas can enter it the bottle. She then proceeded to push down a button which exerted a hissing sound. After about 3 hissing sounds you heard a loud buzz. She then buzzed it 2 more times and said, "that's it". After she pulled back the bottle to release the air she unscrewed it and tipped the jug while pouring a cap full of the "coke" syrup into it. Evidently if you pour it in an upright position it results in a fizzy explosion. which as we all know flattens soda. She put a little ice in a cup, poured some soda and handed to us.

The Verdict:

Soda Stream tasted just like a Coke, but unfortunately it tasted like a diet coke. Soda Stream is made from ingredients similar to Splenda so it definitely leaves the Splenda after taste in your mouth. Does it fizz like Soda...yes. Does it taste like the soda flavors it advertises...yes. Is it affordable....yes. My only complaint is that the regular flavors no matter how much syrup you put in taste like diet sodas. Regardless I still give it an A-

I did not purchase a Soda Stream that day but I did happen to get one from Santa and I must say I was absolutely ecstatic. It was unexpected and I couldn't wait to try all the different flavors. When you buy a soda stream ($99) it comes with 12 small samples of their soda offerings, a CO2 Canister, and the machine. I have tried all of them but my favorites are, Orange Soda, Coke, Fountain Mist, and Root Beer. In my opinion I would skip the Lemon-lime as it tastes more like Sierra Mist then it does Sprite. Fountain Mist although similar to Mountain Dew, has a yellow tint but actually tastes more like 7-up.

I had worked at a convenience store growing up and I remember having to change the fountain machine syrups. I remember it was a huge bag with a hose attached to it. I decided to google and see if I could purchase those bags and after some research I found out you can. I am going to buy one of those bags and give it a try. The Soda Stream is used to carbonate water, but what you put into it is up to you. Perhaps some fresh fruit? Perhaps some grenadine? Perhaps some slushie syrup? I assume that as long as you put something syrupy in there that it will react with the carbonation and taste like soda. Again, this is only an assumption and does not mean it is endorsed by Soda Stream or safe for the soda stream. I love my soda stream and cant wait to try different flavors of soda.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Newbie Junky!!!!

Hello Everyone! Thanks for coming to see my blog! Newbie Junkie is already taken so I had to spell my name oddly as Newbie Junky for now.So I am sure everyone is wondering, what exactly is a "Newbie junky" ? and why would someone blog about it?

I can remember ever since I started making money in high school I was obsessed with *New* products. If a new lipstick came out I was the first to buy it. When a new style of clothes rolled into the stores I would go just to try the new styles . If I saw a commercial or infomercial for a new product I would purposely go out to the store to search for it just to try it. See, for me, it wasn't actually buying new stuff that I was into it, it was being able to try new stuff. If a store existed that allowed you to sample everything I would never buy a thing,but unfortunately no such store existed...yet.

As I continued to try out new things and buy products just to try them one day I was invited to join an online site Bzz Agent. Although skeptical at first, I joined it and within a week I realized I had finally found something similar to "that store". The one where you try things before you buy them, but what made it even more amazing is that they would come to me and offer me to try NEW things for FREE. This was a mini version of my shopping heaven and I was loving it.

So how did the name come about? At 24 I was telling a co-worker about my shopping excursions and he said, " Wow, when you shop for products, your actually that person who really does buy something because it says , New." As I laughed in agreement and a little embarrassment, I realized he was right and that I may very well have a serious problem. I was "that" person, the person who bought a product because the company placed the word new on the packaging. The person who no matter how ridiculous something is still wanted to try it out. I don't know what was worse, realizing I had a shopping problem, or admitting I was a sucker for marketing. Bottom line either one made me feel out of control. I tried to think of what I would call someone like myself who liked to buy NEW things and couldn't control it.. I thought about it and thought about it and then it hit me. Since my behavior was somewhat like that of an addict, I was a NEWBIE JUNKY!

People make new years resolutions all the time, but how many people actually keep their resolutions is a whole other story. Where one might say, "I am going to quit smoking" this year , or perhaps, "quit drinking". I on the other hand resolved to "reduce my shopping".

Through my blog I will share with you the love/hate relationship that I have with shopping. But, before I begin I hope everyone who reads can appreciate that although I am a sucker for corporate marketing I have really come across some amazing deals and products that had I not been an avid shopper I never would have stumbled upon. I do not condone over-shopping as I have always been a strong believer in, "everything in moderation" but everyone has a vice and mine just happens to be shopping. While I torment myself and go through buying withdrawals this blog will be my outlet to voice my frustrations and joys of shopping, while reviewing the products I buy along the way. I hope you enjoy my blog and remember there are only 336 shopping days left until Christmas. :) Approx. $100 in savings with any Neat scanner! Free digital filing system and NeatCloud trial.