Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Anyone that has children or babysits for children know that there is nothing better for a child then hearing the words, "Do you want some ice cream?" Something magical happens. There eyes light up, they smile ear to ear and they run over and hug you. Even as an adult , I still love ice cream but, what I don't like is the calories it has and the weight I can gain from it. I swear if I eat ice cream more than twice in a month I instantly gain 5lbs. Sp, yes I love ice cream and as you know I love NEW products.

Splitz is a new kind of treat which combines the benefits of yogurt with the taste of ice cream. In order to get the full ice cream effect you have to freeze it. Splitz are awesome!!!!!!! They taste just like ice cream and best of all you do not feel guilty after eating it. The kids love them and ask for them over real ice cream. I highly recommend Splitz Yogurt.